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COVID-19 Best Case Measures and Actions for Indianapolis

We are here to help.

The value of music goes beyond streaming services and live performances. Music is a community. It is built upon relationships and it is resilient. During times like this, it is important that we remember how powerful music can be. Without a doubt, the emergence of COVID-19 has led to significant global changes; impacting local economies, international markets, and the entirety of the world’s music ecosystem.


With these recent events, we at Sound Diplomacy recognize that the world needs music more than ever. More importantly, we recognize that we need to work together to harness the power of music, as it not only brings us together but also improves our lives on a social, cultural and economic level.


We have put together a list of useful resources for the music ecosystem in Indy, with mention to what the music community is doing locally, and what support exists on a state, federal and global level:


  1. Indianapolis Economic Relief & Guides - These are resources related to direct funding or accessing direct funding through local sources, catered to Indianapolis.

  2. Indianapolis Music Community Support - These are local, non-financial support resources that could lead to income opportunities, live stream support, professional development, wellness or other growth opportunities, catered to Indianapolis.

  3. U.S. and Global Economic Relief & Guides - These are universal resources related to direct funding or accessing direct funding through global sources.

  4. U.S. and Global Music Community Support - These are universal, non-financial support resources that could lead to income opportunities, live stream support, professional development, wellness or other growth opportunities.

  5. Health & Wellness - Health and wellness resources to keep artists safe, happy and healthy during this time.

  6. Exemplary Practices - A selection of some best practice projects that have been implemented as a response to COVID-19 by different music communities.


Please, email us at if you’d like to include your initiative in any of these lists. Send a brief description of the initiative and any relevant links with the subject line “Indy COVID-19 list”. Thank you for your contribution!


Indianapolis Economic Relief & Guides



The Arts Council launched IndyKeepsCreating the same week the Rapid Response Hub (detailed below) was launched. It provides an online resources hub for Marion County-based artists and announces the creation of the Indy Arts & Culture COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund.


Currently under development, this fund will provide nearly 800 rapid response grants for artists in all disciplines (up to $500 per individual) to bridge the severe lost wages that make many members of our creative community vulnerable. They completed a survey of artists across all media to understand the early impacts of COVID-19 on the artists of the community. The survey is still collecting responses: artists and music organizations can participate here.


The fund is expected to exceed $400,000 from the commitments of philanthropic partners, Visit Indy, and hundreds of donors from a public GoFundMe campaign with matched funding by the Efroymson  Family Fund.



The Arts Council has also launched this webpage containing a calendar of activities and an extensive

list of art news and resources for artists.



Indy Chamber has launched this information hub for small businesses and connects companies and professionals actively seeking or offering employment during this time. The website also provides information and application guidelines for Indy Chamber’s Rapid Response Loan Fund, which lends $1,000 - $25,000 to small businesses at a 3.75% interest rate with no application fee and no prepayment penalties. Coaching and information are provided during the application process, with flexible eligibility requirements that would apply to most for-profit music businesses. The loan may take 4-6 weeks to get to businesses.



This crowdfunded fund aims to distribute each week $500 grants to Indy-based artists and entrepreneurs through a random lottery, focused on supporting those who have been most impacted by the shutdown of local businesses, restaurants and social distancing. Artists can apply by filling out a quick survey, and recipients are randomly selected every Friday if funds are available. The fund is currently seeking donors.



Jeb Banner launched this Google Form and this spreadsheet to gather information from Indy-based service workers, including their Venmo account information, so the public could financially support service workers from their favorite restaurants and their community. The initiative launched mid-March and is still collecting applications.from local service work.1



Josh Baker, the founder and president of the beloved music venue HI-FI and the event promotion company MOKB Presents, launched last March a fundraiser for its staff while the venue remains closed under COVID-19 indications.


State-wide economic relief and guides for the music community



The nonprofit Midway Music Speaks have launched a relief fund for women-identifying and non-binary musicians, music industry professionals, non-profit music organizations, based in the state of Indiana that are affected by the loss of work, cancellations, and loss of revenue due to COVID-19. People can donate or apply to this fund, which aims to distribute $250 per person that applies for funding while also raising funds to support the mission of the organization: to support ALL women-identifying and non-binary owned/founded non-profit organization in the music industry as well as those individuals that work as musicians, engineers, masters, administrators, and in any other capacity of the music industry’s gig economy.



Due to the passage of COVID-19 CARES ACT, there are increased provisions for self-employed and independent contractor unemployed workers, including music industry professionals, artists and service industry workers who would not generally be eligible for benefits. On top of a determined amount, beneficiaries will receive an additional $600 per week for assistance.


Because the programs have not been yet implemented, it is recommended to check out the website regularly and contact your union for updated information on how to navigate these measures. The Indiana Arts Council has put together this visual guide for creatives who lost current or upcoming full or part-time work.


Indianapolis Music Community Support



The main hub for all resources available for the Indianapolis community. Created by Mayor Joe Hogsett and the City of Indianapolis, this website provides easy access for residents to find the community programs and services aimed at helping those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a live-updating website compiling the resources available at the local and state level for residents and friends to support one another, including activities, support groups, resources and official communications.


A specific website with resources for local artists is also available here, including tips for those who want to support local artists and arts organizations during the crisis, and information on the Arts Council’s Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund (IndyKeepsCreating).


The informative Facebook page Indianapolis Area Community Resources During COVID (managed by the community) also provides up-to-date resources for residents in Indianapolis.



Do317 has created this special page for COVID-19 related news and updates in Indy, including a calendar of rescheduled shows and tips for the music community to stay at home, stay healthy and support the local community.


U.S. & Global Economic Relief & Guides














Indianapolis Economic Relief & Guides
Indianapolis Music Community Support
U.S. & Global Econoic Relief & Guides
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